Summer-into-fall thoughts, 2020

When you see division wherever you look, anxiety and fear thick in the air, where do you go to find beautiful things?
I say this with humility and caution. I know full well that this season’s been more taxing, more devastating for far too many hearts. But I have struggled, to find beauty amidst the heartaches. Nuance-less attempts for a positive spin only agitate me more.
But… I’m attuned to season changes now more than ever. In the absence of a packed schedule and the bustling rhythm of the pre-pandemic normal, I know better what sustains my soul.
Can we stand with those who are oppressed, forgotten, mistreated, misunderstood? Those whose sacrifices and sufferings are taken for granted. Can we hurt with those who hurt – it’s been a year of a lot of that.
After all, don’t we all feel – the anger, the fear, the grief, the despair, as well as the little wins and glimpses of joy –
It’s that perfect peach. It’s the melty cheese. It’s the summer breeze. It’s the beautifully made bed every once in a while. A carefully curated bookshelf is like a well-stocked pantry, and a shared laugh makes a world of difference.
And you know… as for making a difference in the world, we can do better, we will do better, it is that important.
And yes, I had to look long and hard. But even when it feels foggy with a mix of heavy emotions, there’s hope, there’s strength, there’s beauty here still.